Zoning Ordinance - Administration and Applications
The Zoning Administrator
is responsible for many tasks related to the administration and enforcement of the
joint zoning ordinance and works under the direction of the Joint Planning Commission.
This includes issuing Zoning Permits for approved applications and responding to
zoning ordinance inquiries. Copies of the ordinance including an 11x17" zoning
map are available to purchase ($25) by contacting the Zoning Administrator. All
zoning inquiries should be directed to Zoning Administrator, whose contact information
is found on the Township
Board page.

Here are the zoning-related documents.
Note that all forms require a fee except the Violation Complaint Form:
Benzie County Building
Safety & Code Enforcement Department
– See their Web page for building safety and code enforcement documents and forms.
Their page shows their address, office hours, and contact information.
This Department is responsible
for administration and enforcement of the state code or codes in Benzie County and
Springdale Township in Manistee County regarding inspections pertaining to new construction,
existing buildings, accessory structures, remodels, electrical, mechanical, plumbing,
demolition and maintenance of existing buildings, soil erosion, sedimentation and
storm water control.
Benzie-Leelanau District Health
Department —
Contact Environmental Health regarding
on-site sewage disposal site evaluation (perc test); sewage/well evaluation; addition
or replacement of an existing well or septic system; or remodeling or building an
addition to an existing home.